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Who We Are

​Geneva Alabama


     The City of Geneva, is the county seat of Geneva County located in southeast Alabama.  Geneva is the largest city in the county with a population of 4,452.  


    The City of Geneva has a rich history as a river town.  The junction where the Choctawhatchee and Talakahatchee (Pea) Rivers meet actually forms one of the city limit borders of Geneva. 

     The town of Geneva was founded by Henry A. Yonge in the early 1820s as an Indian trading post at the junction of these two rivers.  Early navigation of the river was by log barges.  Before long steamboats were regularly plying the river and were being built in Geneva.

    The Lincoln Flood of 1861 all but destroyed the early settlement.  As a result the decision was made to move the settlement to higher ground thus a new town was built at the north end of what is today Commerce  Street.  Geneva was incorporated as a City under the Acts of Alabama February 15, 1875.  River trade flourished through the 1890’s. As river transportation ended with the coming of railroads, a new era in the history of our country began.  Geneva adapted to this new era and moved forward, grew and prospered.​


    The new City once again flooded in 1929 causing the construction of a 2.9 mile earth-filled levee through WPA labor in the 1930’s.  Having been completely renovated in 2007, this structure still protects the City today.

     Geneva eventually became associated with the textile industry.  The economy flourished with cotton mills and clothing factories employing some 2,000 individuals.  The late 1990’s saw an end to the textile era and the closing of textile mills in Geneva. 
    Still, the City has persevered.  Industries such as Sysco Foods of the Gulf Coast, Reliable Products, Lincoln Fabrics and Outdoor Aluminum provide jobs to areas residents.  The retail industry in Geneva has shown steady growth and offers not only jobs to residents but a variety of products and services so often sought after in today’s fast paced way of life.  The City of Geneva continues to finds a way to grow and prosper.  This can only be attributed to the type of citizens that make up Geneva, hardworking citizens full of determination and pride.

     It is the goal of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Geneva to promote a progressive city rich in history and pride.  It is also their goal to maintain a balance between promoting small town ideals and ways of life and offering modern conveniences.
     The Mayor and City Council of the City of Geneva are focused on planning for the future of Geneva.  They are committed to its citizens in the recruitment of industry and retail trade.  Such recruitment will provide jobs and a quality of life that can be comparable and competitive with larger cities.  The Mayor and City Council are also committed to providing its citizens a safe community with the best city services and programs available.  

The City of Geneva is an ideal community for families looking to relocate as well as  industry looking to open or expand.

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